Broomfish is based in Morrinsville, New Zealand and Owned and Operated by Peter Lee
Use the Make/Model/Year drop down to find parts for your car, or send me a message with what you need and i can check for you. Please include the registration number
There are currently 58850 products on this site and 69235 listing in the vehicle catalog
Anything you need that isn’t showing, please contact me and I will find it for you if it is available
With over 30 years experience in the Automotive industry Parts & Service areas, I know the frustrations involved with finding quality car parts and work with some of the best wholesale suppliers to resolve these for you. I also import parts from overseas suppliers and pass them onto you at a fraction of the price from other retailers.
Checkout is currently available to addresses in New Zealand and Australia.
For delivery to other countries, please contact me
repco supercheap partzonline partsonline tinkr tinker
Uncategorized (40)
.Clearance (70)
Accessories (21)
Additives (17)
Air Conditioning (19)
Air Supply (46)
Alternator (19)
Body (429)
Brakes (5380)
Bulbs and Lamps (82)
Central Electrics (9)
Chemical Products (2)
Clutch (571)
Compressed-air System (4)
Consumables (25)
Cooling (2729)
Crankcase (4)
Crankshaft Drive (3)
Drive Belts (5169)
Drivele (1)
Driveline (5843)
EL Dash Faces (12)
Electrical Accesories (294)
Engine Electrical (1669)
Engine Parts (18913)
Exhaust (76)
Exhaust gas recirculation (3)
Fastenings (109)
Filters (4219)
Fuel (126)
Glow ignition system (91)
Grease (10)
Heating/Ventilation (4)
Hose (4)
Ignition System (95)
Intake Pipes (2)
Interior equipment (9)
Lights (1)
Lock System (23)
Lubrication (59)
Mixture Formation (56)
Mounts (923)
Oil (1)
Oil Seals (6)
Performance (180)
Sealants (9)
Sensors (1914)
Standard Parts (7)
Starter System (2)
Steering (1124)
Suspension (8388)
Tape (1)
Tool (1)
Tools (4)
universal (2)
unknown (2)
Wheel Drive (1)
Window Cleaning (3)
Wipers (15)